Can You Be Denied Workers’ Comp for Refusing to Wear a Mask at Work? Can You Be Fired For Refusing to Wear a Mask?
May 6, 2020
As states begin to lift restrictions, worker safety will be a top

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and Workers’ Compensation
March 30, 2020
As of today, our country now has more confirmed cases of COVID-19

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Notice
March 18, 2020
To our Clients, Colleagues and Friends: As you probably know, the State

Fraud in workers’ comp: one big lie
September 10, 2018
It’s no great stretch to suggest that the general public perceives workers’

Do you qualify for workers’ comp?
July 31, 2018
In order to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, at least three things

Can I sue my employer for my work injury?
July 23, 2018
When can an injured worker sue his or her employer for a

Do You Really Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?
July 16, 2018
The workers’ compensation system was intended to be non-adversarial and to give

10 Suggestions for When You’ve Been Injured at Work
July 9, 2018
Workers’ compensation provides benefits for employees who suffer an accidental injury or

Why the Supreme Court’s Janus Decision is a Loss for All Workers
July 2, 2018
On June 29, 2018 – the final day of the 2017-2018 term

Why Should You Hire a Small Law Firm?
June 24, 2018
As with all business, law firms come in many shapes and sizes.